Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bard, 1564-1616

Tomorrow is the anniversary of William Shakespeare's death. The are many sites about the Bard and my favorite is Open Source Shakespeare. Here you can find all his works and many interesting facts about the man. It is amazing how much he changed the English language in a positive manner. The search engine is phenomenal. This site is well constructed and easy to navigate. Language wise we all owe this great man and his great literature. What's your favorite? Personally I like the tragedies, but the historical plays run a close second. And as I've grown older the wit in his comedies has come to make more sense. He really knew a lot about human nature. Project Gutenberg, one of my all time favorite sites, has much ado about the Bard too. BTW, you can even use Open Source Shakespeare on your mobile! Take a look. There's a lot of information about him at many sites.

"I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks."
~William Shakespeare

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