Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, December 04, 2009

Priorities and Limitations

Wanted to write a really nice review about one of my favorite new TV shows and the originator Joss Whedon. His Firefly series is one of the greatest sci fi series ever aired on TV. So sad it was only one season. At least Nathan Fillion (lead role in Firefly) is now one of the characters in Castle which airs Monday nights on ABC-TV.

Just read comment #3 in yesterday's post for further information. Who knows? Maybe next time I'll get to break out my own perspective on Cybersouth - from the Saltillo Beach House, LOL. Again, please keep the comments at least vaguely pertinent to the post at hand. A sci fi TV series has nothing to do with the ludicrous HB3200 legislation that may well be the first major step to destroying our great nation.

These are my opinions. I am seriously thinking about shutting down this site for a few days once again. Sorry about the interrupt, but I HAVE to finish several projects here in the shop and in the field. Should be back in just a few days. Comments are blocked tonight and this may continue. I'll let you know if and when I unblock them. Once again, this is MY site and NOT A FORUM. There are local forums concerning various activities including TV, movies, etc. I'll try to obtain the info and post it here.

I am absolutely not mad at anyone, just under some duress to finish projects and work takes the #1 position in all that. Bear wif me...