Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Haloscan SUCKS!

Apparently, just because I would not be intimidated into forking over money in a mafioso like manner,  these jerks have screwed with my page and it will take complete reconstruction to put it back in the original format and form. Hours have been spent trying to correct problems.  I WILL report these jerks to the proper authorities and don't ever use their products.  THEY SUCK SUCK SUCK!  I swear I'd kick their asses if I could find them.  Sorry bastards and bitches need to all be gut shot and left to die slow painful deaths!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

betuglia said...

hey santa missed me this year

never give in,never give in never,never,never in nothing,great or small,large or petty-never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.

