Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Not Today (EDIT: well, may be ok)

EDIT NOTE: Placed the new SIM card in the older phone and I can now receive calls. Not doing the ID thing, but I will answer. My mood has improved from what is posted below, lol.

My phone will be off today. If you have an emergency please email me. I am about as mad as I get. I've lost the adapter for my phone charger. I've looked for it since 7:00AM.

Before anyone starts volunteering, if you do NOT have a RAZR V9x2 phone you cannot help. It takes a special mini to macro USB adapter and you don't have one. So don't aggravate me further by trying to tell me something that you know nothing about because I do know a lot about this phone and the way it charges. Both Wal-Marts are out of stock and no one else is open today. Yes I have tried my old phone and it says deactivated SIMM card. NO, no one has an old charger that will work unless you have a RAZR V9x2.

This is a shitty Thanksgiving. Please leave me to my misery and extremely negative state of mind. Things will be better tomorrow. BTW, I don't want company today and if you stop by I will absolutely not answer the door. If you send a smart ass email, it'll piss me off and I'll probably deliver the worst ass chewing you've ever had in your life. If one of my family happens to read this please call my Mother and tell her what has happened and that I am ok. Hell, you need to talk to her today anyway. She's alone too.

Heed the label on my ball cap today and I'll probably be here tomorrow apologizing. Please no comments today. I'll just delete without reading them. I will make a note of who defied me. Again, tomorrow it'll be a different world. (See, I can get mad...)

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