Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's Gobble Gobble Week

Took a few days off to finish some overdue projects and had the truck stall on me. It's repaired. The next morning I started the day with a flat tire. All in all it was not nearly as productive a time off as desired. Is it ever?

No one has contacted me about Thanksgiving so I am planning on spending the time off trying to accomplish more. It won't be the first holiday spent alone and my attitude is positive. Besides, Kroger had a sale on frozen turkeys and there's one thawing in the refrigerator. This is certainly not a pity plea and it will be greatly appreciated if you call before dropping in on me. I have a written agenda to help organize and intruding without notice won't help.

MJR, this weekend will be a perfect time to install your SCSI drives in the server. It'll also give me a break from cleaning up this pig sty. Also there are several other outside chores that need loose ends tied up. The last phase of a hardware firewall installation is due and I'll be glad to get that done.

Up early to start early with the dryer drying and the washer washing. Must achieve several more goals before the day is done. Everyone have a casual Monday. Slow down, kick back and enjoy this week. Sit down for a while and give thanks on Thursday.

"What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?"
~Erma Bombeck

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