Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What to Do When the Truck Won't Start
This is a mixed group of favorite musicians doing one of my all time favorite tunes from one of my all time favorite albums. Definitely in the top five range. Since the truck decided not to start this morning I decided not to give in to anger or self pity. Instead...listening to some tunes and loving it. I feel sure the truck will recover. Am rescheduling all appointments and should be back up running tomorrow. Hate I missed my doctor's visit this morning, but there's next week!
I was inspired to post this by Beagle's selection for Music Mondays this week. You can take look at Beagle's LJ. Just scroll down to Music Mondays and see a very clever stitched video of the Beatles doing Drive My Car. Thanks Beagle for making my day! Your inspiration makes life easier. Love Ya! "He who sings scares away his woes." ~Cervantes
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