Before I had asked and now it's begging time; please let me return calls. It hurts to talk on the phone. My own voice resonates through my sinus cavities. The left side of my head feels like it has met the hammer of Thor. Apparently some just don't care, because the calls just keep showing up.
Yes, it was turned off yesterday. This is not antisocial nor being unfriendly. Trying to survive here and if I don't get this work done in a timely fashion - I'll lose this work that has to be completed by year's end. That absolutely cannot be afforded. Damn it the email addy has not changed. It's still Efforts will be made to answer viable emails. Don't wish this horrible pain and malady on anyone, but I may make a list of people to breathe upon.
Must go and try to contact doctor. Then it will be time to call pushers, if necessary, to stop the pain for a few hours. Hell, that shows I am still out of my mind. I don't even know a pusher. Do they list in the Yellow Pages now? Folks, this is so far beyond whine mode it's pathetic. Every time there is a cough the vision in my left eye (which, under normal conditions, is almost blind so it's really just something else to whine about) gives out for a few milliseconds.
I need prayer and God's blessing. Please help shore up my nerves of jelly. Just give me the strength to work for a few hours. And the ability not to whine during that time. Nor kill anyone. Who knows? If survival happens you may hear of a beach house 12 step program for whining.
Just noticed there's a lot of "I"s in this post. Later.
"You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need, ah yes..."
~Jagger and Richards
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