Browsers. The way we attach to the internet and move around. How do I do it? Firefox. There's a link to download it in yesterday's post. Also, another browser that is 'related' to Firefox named SeaMonkey is used at the beach house. Both are products of Mozilla.org. Firefox has a clean, organized aura about it. It's easy to use. SeaMonkey reminds me of the original Mozilla project browser. Nostalgia can be good, you know. Both are blazing fast.
Even though it's rarely used, Internet Explorer remains my default browser. Why? Well, Microsoft downloads Windows Updates through Internet Explorer and ONLY through Internet Explorer. DO NOT uninstall Internet Explorer. It is interlaced with Windows and has to remain on board for the operating systems to function properly. The new version 8 is a beta download. It's functioning on this machine. My advice is to wait on the final release. IE8 will be used periodically over the next few weeks - will keep you posted.
Use what you want. It's a free world (sorta') and you have the right to choose any browser. And browse safely. There are many garbageheads (Yahoo, Claria, Tribalfusion, Casalmedia, Doubleclick, etc.) out there promoting spyware and other nefarious junk. They certainly don't give a damn about you or your privacy. So make an effort to stay safe and not let the agents of the Dark One enter into your cyberlife. Later.
"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours."
~Wayne Dyer
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