Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Smell of Upgrade Floats on the Summer Humidity

There's been ongoing problems with the PC being used to make this post for several months now. In the beginning Vista installed nicely and then threw a fit about a sound driver upgrade and had to be rolled back. That's okay. Then a series of different video drivers were used and the problem ended up being a defective video card. That's okay too. Met some nice folks at XFX and received the warranty replacement in less than two weeks! The system started locking up a few weeks ago and does this daily sometimes requiring 6-8 restarts with at least one in safe mode.

Granted there are several forced XP drivers running under this Vista OS due to laziness. And in all fairness it must be mentioned that parts to build a new PC have been here for over a month. This is a "user" error issue because of my lack of concern about its condition. Folks, do as I say not as I do. Always try to resolve issues when they first appear. Ignoring computer problems, unlike husbands, will not make them go away.

So here's the new case, an Antec 900. It's also known as the "Uber Gaming Case." This machine is a virtual turbine of airflow and is built like a Sherman Tank. All fans are 120mm or larger. Knowing that I will have to look at it for several years helped me justify the price. Look at this top fan (200mm). It's as wide as the whole case! This is intense cooling power, ya think?

Ashby Rhett Culpepper, III, Esq., Jr., helped me locate a serious motherboard to match the Operton 180 CPU. It comes from Gigabyte. The model is GA-K8NXP-SLI. This is serious moboarding. It comes with it's own wireless card and has an automatic dog walker/trash compactor feature. Now I gotta go out and find a dog. No, wait. I'll just have it walk Duke the neighbor dog. He's an ultra kewl boxer. I certainly don't need a live-in pet. Please note that the container (that's the box in the background) is DOUBLE the normal size.

Since I am on a semi-break from doing battle with spyware, assembly should begin this week. It's too hot to get any outside tasks done and this should be a fun alternative. Look at all the thingamuhbobs and doowats that have to be assembled. The heat sink on the CPU looks like something out of Star Wars and should glow nicely under the twenty gazillion lighted fans in the case.

All the Antec case fans are blue and the red cable wrap arrived yesterday. Can we say Hotty Toddy? Later.

~ D. Franklin West

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