Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Lapse and More Lapse, but It's All Good!

After a whirlwind trip to the doctor this morning, it's nice to be home in the cool and quiet. There's a nap featured this afternoon that should help a medication transition. This changing meds can be irritable. Yet, change is sometimes necessary and I thank the Good Lord that medical technology is available to help me stick around. Somebody has to keep an eye on the Nazi Possum (Arnold, opossumus germanicus austriabodicus) terrorizing my neighborhood.

Now for the post nap report: The Teamspeak server was down for a short period this afternoon. An auto-boot rule is written, but it is not working due to a faulty battery backup. This will be replaced ASAP. Major changes are underway concerning the beachhouse network and Teamspeak will be moved to a non-Windows server in order to maximize speed. Will keep everyone posted.

"In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible."

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