LAN Party was casual. The borrowed Wii and DVD Trivial Pursuit were never brought online. It was a night to chat. We did help some of the newer players get started and everyone seemed to not mind the change in menu to burgers and dawgs ( I burnt the first round of burgers, lol, a sacrifice to the Guild Wars Voodoo, Hoodoo gods). It had been a long week for everyone it seemed and a lot of people that were soooo absolute about attending didn't show. The weather was bad and can't say that I blame them. But, put Memorial Day Weekend on the calendar. That's the first big LAN gathering of the summer amd you don't want to miss it! Memorial Day is the 28th of May, but the LAN Party festivities will commence on Saturday the 26th around 5-ish.
It's time to take Flexiril for the back pain. To sleep perchance...
"A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow." ~Charlotte Brontë (as does a ruffled back)
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