Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Sun's Coming Up, the Sun's Coming Up!

There's nothing like arising at 5 in the morning and continuing spring cleaning. The smell of Lysol in the air, the whir of the washing machine, the coffee maker sound of the coffee maker, and there's an info commercial on the boobtoob telling me to take a concoction of legal speed to lose weight. Yes, it's springtime. I know, am on my next to last pot of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee - it's a seasonal thing. In a few hours we will head to Oxford to see Mr. Feldman's dog and pony show. See yesterday's links, am in a hurry this morning.

Have a great Saturday and think about smiling at someone today. Won't kill ya! Resolve to NOT worry about one thing today. And don't hurt yourself on that mop if this horrible rambling inspires you to embrace the seasonal activity.

"If we quit voting, will they go away?"
~Ludlow Porch

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