Florida possibly has either a lot of evil people or very strict laws. We passed 7 prisons, the huge ones with the big rolls of barbed wire and towers. What is this all about? Almost everyone met in this beautiful state was very polite. Go figure.
There are a few dumbasses left that like to play chicken with bike riders. Don't they realize we all carry weapons? Of mass destruction?
Ice will form in Florida outside the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.
Some folks are just lost as a goose. Their directions are convoluted and make no sense. If seeking directions the most dependable and helpful are officers of the law. Seems they actually like bikers...they may not know about our weapons of mass destruction.
70 miles an hour on a bike? No. If you have a blowout death is almost certain. 50 miles an hour? Chances of survival are MUCH better. Sometimes you have to travel fast, but gosh, please be careful. And don't expect to see much of anything along the way. You'll be too busy concentrating on the road ahead and making sure you don't anger an 18 wheeler.
Three things are important to all bike riders: helmet that has the best range of vision, a really good pair of gloves and by all means don't forget the sun block.
If you don't know that you shouldn't ride drunk, then please check into rehab, now. They are waiting for you and so is the morgue. After a very brief experiment in motion let me further say that riding hungover may be just as bad.
In south Georgia folks are crazy about something called wiregrass. Even named a highway after it. I must Google this...
Someone named Pike musta' really done something in south Alabama. And someone named Pratt made an even greater impression in middle Alabama. There was Prattsville, Prattown, Pratt Highway, Pratt creek, think I saw a Prattmobile etc. Probably won't Google this because someone from Alabama will quote the Alabama State History textbook and let me know.
Birmingham is a dangerous city when it comes to expressway driving. As that great hunter/philosopher Mr. Fudd once said, "bee varewee careful."
Every state we visited was fun. But hey, there's no place like home. Mississippi rocks!!
'Hoppa said it best in the comments, I am a blessed man. My friends and family really came through to help my clients during my brief absence. My neighbors are the greatest period. They kept a watch on the beach house.
There will be more pictures during a wrap up post. Give me a day or so.
"Sometimes the best communication happens when you're on separate bikes."
~H.D. Murphy
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