There are techs standing by and I will have the cell phone and laptop on the bike. We'll stop every few hours to check calls, get gas, drink coffee and walk off/shake out our old age. Please understand that I'll gladly take calls and point the right person towards you to solve any problems that arise. There are 5 super qualified techs standing by so your systems will be serviced if needed.
Please don't expect me to have my laptop in hand and remote into a network if I am busy shaking hands with one of my heroes like Arlen Ness, Paul Teutul Jr. and Sr. or Mikey. I'll refer the problem to a qualified geek/tech type located in your area or remote in when back at the hotel.
This is a trip that will encompass a LOT of riding along the beach. There's salt in my blood and being near the ocean on a Harley is a double dose of magic for me. I am traveling with a life long friend and expect to see a lot of things, take a bunch of pictures, eat some nifty food and enjoy the camaraderie of people that know how to shed stress, namely motorcycle people.
And no I don't fly colors and am considered by some to be a yuppie/geek biker. After all, cell phone, laptop, palm tungsten, mp3 player, bluetooth earpieces (2) and jump drive will be on my ride. Yes, I am very much like a child with uber candy. It's all about the ride...not the destination.
"Keep your bike in good repair: motorcycle boots are not comfortable for walking."
~H.D. Murphy