Anyway, a few nights ago some jerks attempted the take over 2 or 3 of the root servers and may have possibly even attacked one for 12 hours. This is not a good thing. The chances of them being caught are very good. It has been determined that a main concentration of the effort originated in South Korea. One of the attacks was directed at the United States Department of Defense. Wow, now is this attacking group a bunch of "rocket scientists" or what? Have they not read Kevin Mitnick's book?!?!?! Hopefully they will send SEAL teams after them with a license to kill. Read more about all this here, here, and here.
There may be residual problems, but at least they did not come close to bringing the internet to its knees. In the meantime, read the three articles above and bear with the FBI "carnivore" type software. If you are doing nothing illegal then you have nothing to fear. Wait a minute, didn't Hitler say something like that? Yes, I know it's big brotherish, but my jets are cooled about it right now, lol.
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
~William Shakespeare
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