Several folks have remoted in and are chatting away on the Teamspeak server. Laxen Firethrow (hoppa to some) has had us laughing all night. Arya (aka Verdana) is busy chatting with sister Beagle about the hot, hot weather in Louisiana and Mississippi. Cronos is seated center ring and playing the game like crazy with a most kewl glowing axe. Mud n Forest are set up on the bar with their uber machines and LCD monitors. Everyone is wondering if Ashby Rhett Culpepper, III, Esq., will phone for a few minutes and keep us laughing. Honorary geeks Lisa and the Laundry Witch are sipping their Beach House Margaritas with smiles on their faces. And the Purple Giraffe is nodding out for the evening. Yes, this is a good night. Blessed I am.
"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
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