There will be a LAN party at the Saltillo Beach House over the Memorial Day weekend. Festivities will commence at 5:00pm on the 27th of May. Of course the game will be GuildWars. You don't have to be a Kudzu Dragon to attend. We welcome members of local guilds and others to plan on stopping by and hanging out. A lot of folks just enjoy the food and beverage. Contact me if you want to volunteer setup or bring food. In the past everyone liked burgers and dogs so that's a start of the menu.
Efforts are being made to have some machines set up so a few new people at a time can get online and play the game. Plans are to have Pre and Post searing up. Pre is for the newbies and Post is for those that have played for a while. Our group is very casual and laid back. The camaraderie and talk are usually more fun than the actual gaming. We will have ample parking and probably even game on the veranda and patio. WiFi will be available.
Such a geekfest takes some planning and coordination. Hep me! Hep me! This year everything will be setup and ready so Saturday can be dedicated to the cause. Rock on my fellow nerdlings.
"Happiness is a very small desk and a very big wastebasket."
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