After calling for almost a year I finally contacted a fellow Vietnam Veteran who helped me obtain a number where someone answered without putting me on hold for 45 minutes. Do they send these people to hell for tutoring about how to be hateful over the phone? They finally found my records verifying my existence in their system. After calling my buddy Trish, who is a practicing RN, the trip was scheduled for Monday, July the 11th. Trish had to drag me to the car and then put up with my anxiety attacks during the trip. So I showed up at 8:00am in front of the appropriate check-in desk.
The woman there told me I was not in the system. I almost walked away from her sneer, but decided to sneer back. After a mandatory wait I was called back to be interviewed by a nice young lady (the only one there) and it was discovered they had my social security number listed incorrectly. After the interview, I was thrown into the mill and verified, with Trish watching, that I was in the system by typing my ID into the computer located in the lab. Yep, name popped up. The nice young lady had corrected the error.
After the vampires tore my hand up taking blood (why the hand?) I endured another long wait only to be shocked into reality as I was abused and growled at by a bald headed horse's ass named "Dr." Steven Beavers. He's a rodent for sure. Huge ugly rat comes to mind...I was called an idiot and dopey by herr doktor and yelled at while in the examination room. Seeing as how my blood pressure was 238 over 140, this didn't seem at all appropriate and for a brief moment it flashed thru my mind to put his shaved head into the refuse deposit.
Storming back into the lobby I told my friend Trish that it was time to go. Loudly. She persisted we stay and after a long dreary day I was finally given enough medication to last for a week. More happened, but for brevity's sake let me not ramble further down this negative road. The main reason I made this trip was to acquire the privilege and right to attend a locally approved clinic. So, now I have given into their subterfuge. This is all a joke to them, but damned serious to me. They are playing with my life and that scenario will change back to the civilian arena even with these shallow pockets.
There. These clowns have had enough publicity. Though I'll try not to whine too much about this again, it seems necessary for someone to know what has transpired just in case my fatass strokes out. Fellow Veterans, please drive the extra miles and go to Jackson, MS. Go to Birmingham or New Orleans, just avoid Memphis VA like the plague. Now I will go pray for forgiveness since God has given me this glimpse of hell. Shoot, I just gotta' make it to heaven; frightens me to think about even the smell.
"If you're going through hell, keep going."
-Winston Churchill
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