The rant yesterday stems from someone endorsing a writer, H.G. Wells, that was an atheist, believed in free love, had the morals of a rabid alley cat and also endorsed was his most depressing, negative work,
War of the Worlds. Then this cub reporter proceeded to put down a work of art that he'd not even seen. Mr. Lucas has often said he has tried to embrace all forms of religion with his Star Wars mystery called "the Force." Wells was negative. Lucas is positive. Now, this is not saying that Wells didn't write some interesting stuff. His
Outline of History is a real trip, bordering on science fiction almost as much as some of his other works. Lucas, the son of a Presbyterian minister, has given us a saga that endorses doing the right thing and embracing that which is good.
With a world of fanatical muslim terrorists, left wing liberal democrats that are hell bent on giving away our freedom, news media that hasn't a clue about morality, it is refreshing to see anything positive. Completing a tale about the struggle of good versus evil in which good wins refreshes me and apparently millions of other people.
Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith, is smashing all box office records and the reviews are very positive. So when someone puts down something I love by overloading a 10 cent mouth with their nickel ass, it's hard to sit by and let it slide. May the Force be with you.
"The height of stupidity is most clearly demonstrated by the individual who ridicules something he knows nothing about."-Albert Einstein
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