Sonya, from Tishomingo County, sent a really funny link ->
JibJab. Turn up your volume and go click on the picture. Do it quickly because there is quite a brawl going on and this may not stay up long. There is some profanity, but this is political satire at its best. Pokes fun at both Kerry and Bush. See today's post by
timothy at
Slashdot for more information on the controversy. The article title is
Your Rights Online: Parody or Satire? Threat to Sue JibJab. Some bumpkins just don't have a sense of humor.
Got to get back to my shark show on the Discovery TV. Why do these animals fascinate me? Think my knowing several during the course of my life has something to do with it?
"The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals, 1833
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