Heard about a new flavor of BSD? Interested? It's called
DragonFlyBSD. The also have an online
Digest which is a blog devoted to activities of this Unix based operating system. Think about it. It's time for everyone to start looking at alternatives. Microsoft proved last month that they don't care whether you are secure online or not. Check out
Infoworld about the woes of Internet Explorer. With all their 'firepower' it took them a month to issue an Internet Explorer patch? Just go to Google and type in Linux. 111,000,000 results will happen.
Time to hit the grind on this extremely hot and humid day. Last week everyone was complaining about the rain and now they wish it was back! Watching the Sun rise one can detect a faint mist in the air. Today will be very hot and smothering. As the summer marches on we will most likely see a gruesome August. Yes, this is the Deep South. I love it!
"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring."
-George Santayana
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