Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Your Attention is Noted

Believe me, I am sooooo aware the TS server is down. I have been working on it since the lightning strike/power outage yesterday. Running out of replacement parts and really, really frustrated. Please quit calling me!!!!!!!! I am disgusted with myself, my life, the weather, etc. Don't call and don't come here. Let me rest for a while then regroup. Your good intentions are noted, but it's my problem and I am just before blowing a fuse. Remember all the BP and stroke problems I've experienced in the past 18 months? Don't add to it. Instead, pray for me.


Grasshoppa said...

TS being down doesn't bother me...and furthermore, shouldn't bother anyone else! you do NOT have to provide this service, free of charge mind you, to any of us. Those who would behave so ungratefully to you, over a little downtime due to an act of God, make me physically ill! I apologize to you on their ungrateful, childish behalf. Dammit, leave him alone!!!!

Mudslingr said...

I second that!!! Go Hoppa!