Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, June 23, 2006

Winding Down, Unlike a Particular Rabbit

TV is amazing. Who decided a talking, computer animated lizard was a good medium with which to sell insurance? GEICO will NEVER see any of my money. I turn the channel when that thing comes on to irritate millions. And can someone explain to me why it has a British accent? Another gripe, will someone please shoot that damn battery rabbit?!? How wearisome. If he shows up at the beach house that drum will become an uncomfortable garment.

On the other hand the new Diet Mountain Dew commercial with the dude bronco busting the shark makes me LOL. Funny stuff. Snoop Dog's Orbit commercial is kewl too. Okay, easily entertained here. And tired. Long day tomorrow. BTW, I bought Snoop's gum and it ain't bad. Hey, if this is all that can be found while whining, things are really NOT too tough! LOL! Everyone rest easy this weekend.

"Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must."

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