Recent conversation with a fellow tech turned to sports. I am not a huge sports fan. My Dad was a baseball/sports fanatic. My brother coaches a baseball team. He has one son that still knocks the ball out of the park. The oldest son now spends a lot of time on the golf course and is quite a duffer. Sorry, if Ole Miss isn't playing football (and they didn't play much last year) my interest is not sports.
All this said, my hat is off to Anne Abernathy, luge competitor in the Winter Olympics. She has suffered injuries that will keep her from competing in the games. This happened while training. What's amazing about this woman? A LOT is an understatement. She's 52 years young, the oldest woman to compete in the games for starters. She has overcome cancer and is just downright awe inspiring. Read further at NBC Olympics. And I worry about a sore back and the sniffles. Can we say wimpy?
That said, it's time to turn and burn! Have a casual Monday.
"The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball."
-Doug Larson
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