The Kevin Pereira (excuse spelling, they don't show his name much and that's understandable) dude needs to just...go away. Can't think of enough bad to say about him. Can we say goofy blithering idiot? Do people in California really dress and act like that??!?!
The monkeys in the board room at Comcast should be put on short rations and caged somewhere on a small island FOREVER. They destroyed a perfectly good TV channel (TechTV) and have replaced it with the worst channel to ever air (G4). You know, I thought they might have come to their senses when they started airing Leo Laporte's Canadian version of "Call for Help", but where has it gone?
Sara might look into being a tech reporter for ANY channel other than G4. She deserves better. Kevin Pewreara might consider therapy that will help him become human, and the rest need to find other jobs. Leave the real tech reporting to Kevin Rose, Patrick Norton, Leo, Martin, etc. What an awful mess that just gets worse by the day.
Now it's time for medication. Later y'all, have a casual day.
"It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back."
-Mick Jagger
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