Yes, tomes and volumes will once again become popular amongst all but the elite if COMCAST and DirecTV have their way. Prime Time TV as pay per view? Nothing, and I mean nothing can be good about this garbage. COMCAST is a company that is run by baboons and bananas bounce off their boardroom wall whenever the directors gather. Really expected better of DirecTV. Persecuting fans directly (get the jibe there?) has not been their style. COMCAST, as we all know, ruined the best damned Tech TV show (and channel) ever,
The Screensavers replacing it with some silly
Attack o de Odor Show. C'mon Sarah and Kevin Rose, y'all can do better!! Anyway read about this latest attempt to stealth money out of your wallet and purse over at
Going to sit on your dead butt and let these jerks take all reasonably priced TV viewing pleasure away? Or will you protest to your Congresspersons and tell them to stop all this corporate madness and rape? Before getting off the soapbox let me say a very sincere thank you to VistaIIIMedia for being decent folks and not at all COMCAST-like!
"Literature is news that stays news." -Ezra Pound
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