Leo Laporte is the anchor of the show. Leo has been around for a while and was the first person seen on ZDTV's The Screensavers back in May of 1998. Good to have him back on the air in this country. This is a Canadian based show so most of the people calling are from north of our border. That may change with time. Another thing that has to be taken into consideration is that these folks are Apple Nazis. Still, the content is interesting since Apple OSX is based on FreeBSD and many things are parallel in the Apple, Windows, Linux, Unix world nowadays. In all fairness Call for Help does supply an ample amount of information about Windows PCs.
If someone wanted to break into the TV business, a TechTV type station would be most welcome. Lord knows this station had many many major advertisers when it was abruptly taken off the air. Since G4TV (COMCAST's pitiful replacement of TechTV) is slanted towards the 7 and 8 year old audience that likes gaming, I refuse to have a gaming console at the beach house. Well, there is a PC or two...
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
-General Joe Stillwell
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