Intel, Google, Sun Microsystems, Yahoo, EarthLink, Verizon, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-USA) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation have combined forces to stop a bill in Congress that has been mentioned before several times here at Cybersouth. If you care anything about privacy please go read this article now ->
Tech Groups Want Induce Hearings. This is about the Induce Act that was drummed up by that megalomaniac Oral Hatch, Republican Senator from Utah and his Democratic minion from Vermont, Leahy. Will the residents of Utah and Vermont please vote these people out of office? This is serious folks. When they take away your right to listen to music, view movies in your home, have an iPod or video camera then will that get your attention? Well that's what Oral (yes I know his name is Orrin) is trying to do with this bill. Pay attention! Contact your Congresspeople.
Time to go to work. Everyone have a great Sunday. The weather here is almost perfect! Instead of working I should be hammocking...
"Crabgrass can grow on bowling balls in airless rooms, and there is no known way to kill it that does not involve nuclear weapons."
-Dave Barry
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