Okay, I admit it, Yahoo Messenger is used on my machines. It's a quick easy way to relay data or info back and forth and the ever growing list stays busy. My 'on again/off again' relationship with the Yahoo people is due to their consistent whoring with spyware types. Whatever you do DON'T use their nasty toolbar that they push on you. If you have it remove it! TechTV blew the lid off their spyware scheme two months ago. And no matter how many times you tell them you don't want their other garbage they still download it to your machine. Don't believe me? If you are using Yahoo Messenger or Mail go look at Add/Remove Programs in the control panel. They'll be on the very bottom. While you're there remove this garbage. I am open to suggestions. Puh-lease don't start wif any of the AOhell dung (AIM, ICQ) and Microsoft's Messenger is just about as bad. Trillian has been used and just not worth the effort. I do have IRC capabilities at hand since the main browser is now Mozilla.
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"Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart."
- Crosby, Stills, and Nash, Suite: Judy Blue Eyes
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