Give me a break! Why is this happening? The man not only didn't own a computer he had no idea how to find the power button to activate it! And the slimeballs at the RIAA Temple of Doom will get away with this persecution; they don't care if your guilty or not! Tell your neighbors. Write your Congressmen. Talk to your Pastor, Minister, Rabbi, Priest and pray to God! Click on the RIAA boycott link and find out more about this madness. Our rights are being violated and we stand by, once again, doing nothing.
Do not buy any prerecorded music unless all the funds go directly to the artist. Check your favorite artist's web site and see if downloads are offered. The RIAA leeches thrive on the hard work and efforts of others. Not only do they bleed the artists now they are going after the American Public. I endorse paying for downloads as long as fair price is involved and the RIAA isn't receiving one red cent. For a decent alternative to iTunes (Apple) and the others take a look at this site -->Magnatunes. Microsoft will soon be in the foray and then prices will drop. Sorry, $1.00 a tune is too much. Your comments are needed. Click the comments bar below and tell me what you think!
Sunday I mentioned remembering the elderly in your prayers. Pray for these folks. Pray that justice will be served.
"The world needs anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough."
-Bede Jarrett, The House of Gold
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