Sunday, December 16, 2012

Check Out the Names of the Cab Driver and Policeman

My sleep pattern has been gradually falling apart for a few months now.  It's hard to sleep on a damaged shoulder, even harder to sleep with a damaged spirit.  No doubt this has been the worst year of my life. So, sleep malady comes as no surprise.  Even remember bouts of insomnia when i was in grade school.

Anyway, as many of you know I do not have cable TV.  So it has been really kewl to find streaming video on the internet. Last night I visited a classic movie via YouTube - It's a Wonderful Life.

If you are cynical, don't believe in the possible goodness of humanity, find old movies tedious, then please tune in to 'Mo De Fatt's Prime Time Hip Hop' celebration. This film is not for you. If you like tremendous acting, seeing beautiful cinematography and direction, this movie from 1946 is made for you.

No money, no work, nights filled with grief and an aching heart on spiritual, emotional and physical levels, it seems that God touched me for a few hours and let there be joy in my life for a brief time.

Wish for those iPads, new cars, flat screen tvs, diamonds or whatever suits your fancy. I hope you get them. Please, take a moment and pray for me to find work, fill prescriptions, pay bills, and overcome the evil gnomes, elves and orcs that work for the VA Administration.

1 comment:

  1. The "politically correct" need not apply. This movie is over 60 years old. Deal with it and thank God we have made some headway for change in a positive fashion during that time. How's "change" been for you in the last 4 years?!?!?!?!
